Corona Virus Spread
By keeping close with people already suffering from this disease, the virus spreads. When patient of this disease, coughing or sneezing, the virus enters into the body through contact with the place or object of the droplets falling, touching their eyes or nose or mouth. By inhaling these drops, they can also become victims of the virus. People living with this disease should maintain a distance of 1 meter (3 feet). This is one of main cause of corona virus spread.
Your nose and mouth are susceptible
A 2020 report mentions that this corona virus is more likely to go into your nose and mouth than other parts of the throat and body. You may be more likely to sneeze, cough or breathe in the air around you. One the cause of corona virus spread.
It can travel rapidly through the body
This corona virus can travel through the body faster than other viruses. Data from China found that people with COVID-19 had a virus infection in their nose and throat just 1 day after the onset of symptoms.
Can wearing a mask protect you from infection?
Corona virus has become the fastest growing virus in the world. To save one, half the people have come to the surgical mask. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention believes that masking reduces the risk of infection but this method does not provide complete protection. It is better to protect yourself when you stay away from people suffering from Corona virus.
Which people are more dangerous than this virus?
In elderly people and patients with high blood pressure, heart problems and diabetes, this disease can take a more dangerous form. Apart from this, this virus has more easy effect on the patients already having immunity or people who have reduced immunity.
Must Read – Protect Our self from Corona Virus